Should you buy a new house? How can you engage your neighbors during the pandemic? And what should you do if Wells Fargo just sold your student loan?
These questions and more are answered in this week's My 5 for Friday.
What to Do if Your Wells Fargo Student Loan Was Just Sold by Heidi Rivera. As of last year, Wells Fargo was the third-largest lender of private student loans. This means there is a good chance, if you have private student loans, that Wells Fargo’s recent decision to sell their student loan portfolio could affect you. If that is the case, here are some tips for how you should respond.
Should I Buy a House Now? by Allison Chiaramonte. Becoming a homeowner is something that many of us look forward too. Most would also say that they want not just to buy a house, but to be wise about when and how to do so. Should you buy a house now? Take some time to think through these issues.
Four Steps to High Performance Teams by Ken Blanchard. A group of people working together does not automatically make a functioning team. Still, a functioning team does not necessarily lead to high-performance, collaborative work. If you manage a team, or are part of one, Ken Blanchard offers four characteristics to help your people become an effective team.
Undercover Mentor: Redeeming the Everyday by M.R. Conrad. Influence does not come only from those in authority. You don’t have to be a manager, pastor or teacher to inspire others in a subtle but lasting way. Small, every-day faithfulness is sometimes what makes all the difference. Who can you influence with your everyday tasks?
3 Ways to Engage our Neighbors During a Pandemic by Stephen Stallard. The pandemic has made it difficult to build new relationships. Not only are we inside more often, but when we are out, a mask covers half of everyone’s face! Its hard to be friendly when we can’t even see each other’s smile. Christians know we are called to engage and love our neighbors, regardless of the circumstances. But how should do this in our world-wide pandemic?