How can you teach your children to understand economics and love the Lord? Is personal ambition bad for a Christian? And what is a fair credit score?
1. Teach Kids to Understand Economics and Love the Lord by Greg Phelan. There is no inherent problem with children learning both to understand economics and love the Lord. Greg Phelan begins by explaining simple concepts like scarcity and constraints, and tradeoffs and incentives. But children must also understand God’s economy and God’s ethics to live Christianly in man’s economy.
2. Is Personal Ambition Bad for the Christian? By Dean Inserra. Personal ambition may be good or bad. The motivations of the heart are the determining factor. Godly ambition will consist of selflessness instead of selfishness, humility instead of pride, and an aim to please Christ Jesus in all that we do.
3. What Is a Fair Credit Score? By Beverly Harzog. Credit scores range from poor (579 and lower) to exceptional (over 800) according to FICO. A Fair credit score like between 580 and 669. If this is your situation, be optimistic that the next range up is “Good” (670-739)! Budget, track every dollar you spend, and use credit-building tools to improve your score.
4. How To Use Credit Cards Responsibly by Bob Lotich. Bob and Linda’s use of their credit card in their 20’s left them in a financial mess. Their mess motivated theme to create three rules for responsible and advantageous credit card use. Use the card for things you wont be tempted to overspend on, don’t carry a balance, and make sure you choose a valuable credit card.
5. 5 Lies I Believed About Work by Kevin Halloran. Our work life is not separate from our Christian life. Faith must influence the way we work. It is a lie to believe work isn’t part of God’s perfect plan or that work is all about me and my goals. Kevin Holloran details these lies and three more to help us anchor our work in the truths of our faith.