Need tips on how to avoid going into debt for your wedding day? Are you a believer working in sales and feeling guilty about it?
These questions and more are answered in this week’s My 5 for Friday.
1.9 Ways We Used Minimalism to Increase Our Income by Renee Benes. Using her own family's story of minimalism, reduced spending, and downsizing, Benes provides helpful tips on how to scale back not just on your spending but on the way you think about your perceived needs/desires.
2. Wedding Budget 101: Plan for Your Big Day Without Breaking the Bank by Kumiko Love. "One survey found that 21% of Americans have gone into debt to finance their wedding." Love begins with the startling truth of wedding costs and then provides 6 tips on how to avoid going into debt for your big day.
3.Practices to abide in God’s presence by Russ Gehrlein. Has the pandemic affected your disposition in life and at work? Gehrlein gives a word of warning and encouragement on how new environments affect our attitudes and how to rectify that by the practice of remaining in the presence of God.
4.I’m in Sales. How Can I Love Those I’m Selling to? by Rachael Starke. As a sales executive for many years, Stark instructs salespeople on how to sell in a God-honoring way. Stark encourages salespeople to first get to know their customers as people made in the image of God. She encourages salespeople to know the customer's specific needs and to know how their product can actually satisfy that need.
5. Understanding the Psychology of Money and What It’s Costing You by Rachel Cruze. Cruze explains why it is important to know the underlying psychological factors with spending and the way we think about money in order to truly change our financial situations.