Okay, I’m going to be completely honest with you here—this post was not my idea. My wife told me that I should write on this topic. I thought it was a great idea and asked if she had any suggested gifts.
She immediately rattled off a few recommendations, and I suddenly began to think that this might be a way for her to, not just help other husbands and children, but to specifically help me. After fourteen years of marriage, I’m starting to catch on to things like this.
Sarah then reached out to several other moms on social media, asking them what gifts they wanted for Mother’s Day, and they were quick to respond. There were great responses with some regular themes.
So, even if this list is really meant for me, I wanted to pass it along to you. The desired gifts are not costly, but meaningful. Pick out a few to celebrate the mom in your life. After all, they deserve it.
1. Time to herself. This was the most commonly suggested gift and understandably so. Alone time is a rarity these days. Becca said, “An hour or two of quiet time would be great!” and Jenn responded, “Time alone for sure!” So, make sure to strongly consider giving the mom in your house some time to herself.
2. Clean house. Again, this suggestion speaks to the times we are in. Our houses are in constant use, and therefore, are constantly getting dirty. “Cleaning the house for sure,” commented Shelly. “Any high-traffic room in the house cleaned,” noted Connie. Pulling out the Windex and 409 will be a welcome gift to the mom in your house. So, consider cleaning the house.
3. Mother’s Day video from kids. Moms tend to love anything their children make for them. Videos are a great option because they are able to capture children's' voices, facial expressions, and appearances. Moms know that each of these characteristics will change as the years go by; so, they cherish these types of gifts.
4. Clean her car. “My car washed and cleaned,” said Meredith. You are seeing a trend here. These days, there is little time to get normal tasks completed. Cleaning the car can be a huge blessing to the mom in your house.
5. Homemade crafts/cards. Jera remarked, "My favorite Mother's Day gifts include all things homemade (cards, pictures, tracing their hands & feet, a photo album put together)." There is something special about knowing that the children didn’t just go to a store to pick out a card, but spent time cutting, gluing, and coloring their own card or craft. There is higher level of thoughtfulness in these types of gifts. They look nothing like Hallmark cards, and moms love it.
6. Breakfast or dinner made. "A steak dinner cooked by my hubby," added Rachael. Who doesn’t like the smell of bacon in the morning or the aroma of steak in the evening? Making breakfast or dinner is a welcomed gift by most moms. This is especially true if they are the cook in the house. Extra bonus points if you bring it to them in bed!
7. Flowers for the garden. “Flowers to plant in the yard!” noted Shelly. If the mom in your house has a green thumb, consider getting some flowers for the garden.
8. Bubble bath drawn. Jasmyne said, "Face masks and other skin care products for EXTENDED at home “spa” treatment." Moms want some time to relax. As you provide the mom in your house time to herself, draw a warm bubble bath for her. She won’t turn it down.
9. Homemade coupon book. Carol declared, "Chore coupons!" Have the children create a coupon book for their mom. Include coupons that you know would make her smile, like “5 Free Hugs!”
10. Massage from husband. Okay, I know this one was directed at me. Got it, Sarah.
Moms have spoken—they are not wanting expensive gifts for Mother’s Day. Mom's desire meaningful gifts. Use the above suggestions and give the mom in your house an inexpensive, but thoughtful, gift this year.
Finding meaningful Mother’s Day gifts on a budget can be a challenge, but these ideas are spot on! Adding a personal touch is always appreciated, and for moms who love creative or decorative pieces, LEGO christmas lights can make for a unique and thoughtful present. They add a cozy, festive glow to any setting and can double as a fun project.