Is parenting a burden or a blessing? Need an inspirational generosity story? And how can entrepreneurs bear one another's burdens.
These answers and more are provided in this week's 5 for Friday.
1. Substance vs. Static: A Crucial Distinction for Organizational Health by Matthew Hall. Information, news, and knowledge are just a click away in the world today. With so much information being thrown our way, how do we ensure that we (and those we lead) are concerned with the right information and responding to it correctly? One crucial distinction to make is between information that is static, and that which is of substance.
2. Generosity Amidst Adversity by Myriah Snyder. This story is from the International Mission Board about the generosity of Bronx Baptist Church in New York. Upon hearing of the catastrophic volcano eruption on the island nation of St. Vincent, the church sent relief despite their own hardship amidst the COVID pandemic. Their generosity is an example of selfless hearts aiming to promote Jesus and human flourishing.
3. Giving to Missions Work by Chuck Bentley. The Christian heart expresses love for God in generosity aimed at fulfilling God’s mission for people from every nation to worship him. There is more than enough money on the North American continent to provide every people and nation an opportunity to know God. The haze of material gain may be what is clouding the vision of American Christianity.
4. A Place to Eat, Sleep, and Watch by Greg Morse. COVID brought the closing of many schools, and therefore a parenting crisis. Families had to adapt to now care for kids who were now home all day rather than in class. The real crisis, however, is how parenting is viewed as a burden to working parents. Greg Morse exhorts Christians to retrieve the Bible’s honor for the home and parenting.
5. Bearing the Burdens of Entrepreneurism Together by Cameron Presson. Courtney Gould Miller is the Chief Strategy Officer, the Head of Digital Marketing, and Legal Counsel at MKJ Marketing. Only an entrepreneur would carry such a range of titles. As a Christian and an entrepreneur, Miller shares lessons learned from experience, how she has been supported by relationships with fellow entrepreneurs who want to serve Christ with their business.