What does generosity look like during my retirement years? How can I love work and family? What are some ways I could be wasting money?
These questions and more are answered in this week's 5 for Friday.
1. I Love Work. Can I Still Love My Family? by Phylicia Masonheimer. Often, a career and a growing family feel in tension with each other, as if we must choose between giving our best effort at work and giving our best effort at home. Ultimately, God calls us to stewardship in both. For Phylicia Masonheimer, a step of faith to prioritize family led to a career she thought wasn’t possible.
2. The History of Labor Day by Ronni Sandroff. Labor Day celebrates the hard work of Americans across the country. Hopefully the day gave you some extra rest this past weekend. The history of how Labor Day came about is as long as it is complex. Ronni Sandroff recounts the interesting, and at times sad, history that led to Labor Day as we celebrate it today.
3. Giving in Retirement by Chris Cagle. Christians are called to generosity. That doesn’t change in retirement. Still, retirement is significantly different than the preceding years. So giving may look different. You will need to answer a few questions. Will you tithe consistently or give as you are lead and able? And should you donate it all or leave an inheritance? One size doesn’t fit all.
4. Lets Talk About Money by Ed Welch. Ed Welch questions why men are typically transparent about more intimate sin issues, but not so when it comes to money management. Luke 16:1-9 at first sight seems to be a strange passage. Welch helps us to understand the “shrewdness” of the manager that Jesus commended, and encourages us to strive for holiness there just as we would elsewhere.
5. 13 Ways to Waste Your Money by Tim Challies. Take stock of your finances from the last six-months to a year—is there any money that has been wasted? Consider how much money you have spent on specialty coffee or out to eat. Or have you spent money on something just to “Keep up with the Joneses”? This helpful checklist exposes areas where you might be wasting money.