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My 5 for Friday (December 11, 2020)

How should the church affect a capitalistic society? Which new scams do you need to avoid this holiday season?

These questions and more are answered in this week’s My 5 for Friday.

1. Why Most People Are Not Debt Free by His & Her Money. Learn why the majority of people are not debt-free, including those who desire financial freedom, and the best way to move towards financial freedom in your own life.

2. When Change Overwhelms You by Kristen Wetherell. Using Paul's words, "We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength.” Wetherell encourages how to stay the course with hope and joy amidst the burdens we face in life, trusting that God supplies our needs according to his wisdom,

3.Gift Card Scams Are Everywhere — and Elderly People Aren't the Only Victims by Mallika Mitra. With the pandemic and the holidays, people are falling for gift card scams more than ever. Here are the things you need to know to avoid getting scammed this holiday season.

4.The solution to broken capitalism? The church by Brandon Giella. In this article, Giella evaluates "what business owes society" and how it is the church that should be and is leading the reform when it comes to unbridled capitalism.

5.How to Teach Your Teens About Budgeting by Crystal Paine. In this article, Paine outlines ways to help teach teenagers about the basics of finances and budgeting. Including setting the first example of good financial stewardship.


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