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My 5 for Friday (December 25, 2020)

Looking to set financial goals for the New Year? Facing feelings of loneliness this Christmas?

These questions and more are answered in today's My 5 for Friday.

1. Jesus’ mission was to love the world by Matt Rusten. In this article, Rusten encourages that although many are facing feelings of humiliation, loneliness, and despair this Christmas, Christ's entrance into the world was also met with the same feelings and he can empathize with those suffering.

2.Five Financial Goals for the New Year by Miriam Caldwell. This article outlines five great financial goals for the new year that won't be too overwhelming or too lofty to reach within the year.

3. It’s Easier to Get a Tax Deduction for Donations This Year by Ann Carrnes. This article outlines the changes that COVID-19 and the CARES Act have enacted on taxes and deductions for donations.

4.Omnipotence, Swaddled by Bernard N. Howard. Howard explains the wonder of Christ's birth by relating the most impotent being, a swaddled child who has no control over itself or its surrounding to the story of Christ, the most omnipotent being in that very position.

5.Financial Resolutions and How to Achieve Them in the New Year by Kumiko Love. In this article, love provides unique baby steps to help set up new financial habits in the New Year.


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