How do you train your brain to stop making those annoying impulse purchases? Should you get a credit card for your child? And how can you fundraise with integrity?
These questions and more are answered in this week's My 5 for Friday.
3 Rules for Fundraising with Integrity by Jeff Atherstone. Are you fundraising for yourself, your family, or your organization? Temptations abound to fundraise in ways that are at best are not thorough, and at worst deceitful. Jeff Atherstone offers a few rules to help you raise funds with integrity.
How to Train Your Brain to Stop making Impulse Purchases by Kenadi Silcox. With the advent of debit and credit cards, impulsive purchases have become easier to give into than before. The addition of online shopping and 2-day shipping has only made such purchases that much more accessible. Impulse purchases like this can have a significant negative affect on your finances. Thinking through how your mind works and how companies advertise is a start to wiser spending.
Credit for Kids? by Chuck Bentley. In a world where a credit score is almost necessary, children need to understand what credit is and how to use it wisely. But is giving them a credit card the best way to do so? Consider both the benefits and the dangers before making your decision.
People Are More Than Labels by Alan Shelmon. People are more complex than a simple label like, “Republican” or “Muslim” or “CEO” can convey. Yet, we tend to let those kinds of categories determine how we perceive someone. The better way forward is to take time to understand the person in front of us in their own words. Only then will we be able to engage in conversation and relationship with them in a meaningful way.
Reduce Turnover with a Clear Vision for Your Company by Michael Hyatt. Managers and human resource departments may be discouraged at times by a high rate of turnover. It seems the hiring process never stops with employees coming in and going out. A significant key to retaining top employees is casting a thorough and clear vision.