How will an increase in minimum was impact the poor? Can canceling a credit card hurt your score? And what are the biblical requirement for social media.
These questions and more are answered in this week's My 5 for Friday.
How Minimum-Wage Laws Affect the Poor by Joe Carter. The Economics for Church Leaders series is intended to equip church leaders with basic knowledge of the economy so that local churches can understand, think clearly, and apply their faith to economics. This article presents ten points about minimum-minimum wage and its effect on society, and specifically the poor.
True or False? Canceling a Credit Card Hurts Your Credit Score by Jason Steele. Using a credit card can help build credit, among other benefits. Still, unwise use of credit cards can have a negative effect on your credit score. Is canceling a credit card wise or unwise? Jason Steele walks us through the issue.
How to Learn And Practice Skills in the Most Effective Way by Leon Ho. Learning new skills can benefit our workplace, home, and education. However, it can be a struggle to get from learning new skills to practicing those skills. Do you have a skill you want to acquire? Here are five tips to effective skill-building.
Answers to All Your 2021 Tax Questions, From Stimulus Checks to New Deductions by Julia Glum. The 2021 tax filing season starts on February 12th, meaning, the IRS will begin to process tax returns on that day. However, you can begin filling your taxes now! New laws and a year of stimulus checks, unemployment and many other COVID effects will affect this tax season in unique was. Here are some things you will be interested to know as you file your taxes this year.
3 Biblical Requirements for Social Media by Dustin Benge. Social media has its pros and cons. As Christians engage the world of social networking, we need to ensure that we do so in a Christian way. The Bible speaks to the way we ought to interact with others socially, and these truths extend to the way we handle ourselves on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.