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My 5 for Friday (July 2, 2021)

What do you do when you hate your job? Should the church operate like a business? And what mistakes should you avoid when using a 529 Plan?

These questions and more are answered in this week's My 5 for Friday.

1. 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Saving for College in a 529 Plan by Ingrid Case. 529 plans allow you to save money and use it later (tax free!) for education. This can be a great tool for you and your family, but there are mistakes to avoid. Ingrid Case explains where 529 plans can work for you during tax season, how to think about contributions during college years, and whether you should use a financial advisor.

2. Ask Chuck: I Hate My Job by Chuck Bentley. Are you struggling to enjoy your job? Consider a few things before jumping ship. Find ways to be grateful for where you are and don’t burn relationships. Prayerfully consider what the heart of your discontentment is. Lean on the Lord and those closest to you for wisdom.

3. Should the Church Operate Like a Business? by Matthew Emandi. Our conception of what the Church is bleeds into how we think we should serve the local body. If we see the church as a business, members will be consumers, volunteers will be employees, and the pastor a CEO. But the church is an embassy of the Heavenly Kingdom where King Jesus directs our service.

4. How the Sabbath Prevents Work from Being the Meaning of Our Lives by Hugh Whelchel. Work is one of the main ways we as Christians fulfill the purpose God has set for us. We are to glorify him in all that we do and serve others for the sake of God’s kingdom. But God instituted the Sabbath to give us both rest and the understanding that work is not an end in itself.

5. Models for Stewardship Leadership by Andrea Leigh Capuyan. Parenting and pregnancy both offer lessons on leadership. Specifically, these lessons involve stewarding the relationships leaders share with those whom they lead. Bonding, helping others to grow, and selflessness are characteristics of both parents and wise leaders.


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