Suffering through a job just to make ends meet? Need to fix a mistake on your credit report? Or need guidance on how to help your church navigate church debt?
These questions and more are answered in this week’s My 5 for Friday.
1. Rating Your Church's Debt by Todd McMichen. In this article, McMichen lays out different types of church debt and then provides advice for each type of debt. Whether your church is debt free or is in an unhealthy relationship with lending, this article provides helpful steps to take to grow financially healthy churches.
2.God Can Redeem a Bad Job Choice by Gaye Clark. Have you ever prayed for a job, gotten it, and the realized you are in way over your head? Clark explains in this article how God can take difficult jobs and redeem them into greater sanctification for you. Clark reminds us that although we often want concrete answers on what to do in our lives, God often works in the jobs that we have difficulty in, requiring a greater reliance on him.
3. How to Fix a Mistake on Your Credit Report by Kumiko Love. The Budget Mom shares her top tips for how to fix a mistake on your credit report. Love notes that a large number of credit reports often feature inaccurate information that make people appear riskier to lenders than they actually are. She also walks you through a step-by-step process of fixing inaccurate information on your report.
4.Saving for Short and Long-term Goals by Michael Blue. "Anything we invest in other than God's kingdom purposes will one day be lost to us." Blue reminds the saver not to rely completely on their own abilities to build savings in their lives, but to instead focus on the God who provides all things.
5. Why I Thank God for the Surprising Grace of Strangers by Amanda Williams. Williams tells a touching story from her own life of the generosity of a stranger during a season of scarcity, hardship, and weariness. This article reminds us to think about how the people around us may be suffering and how we can best give to help ease their suffering.