Curious why the approaching fall season is important for your personal finances? Need encouragement in your overwhelming work life?
These questions and more are answered in this week’s My 5 for Friday.
1. Our productivity is limited, but God’s is not by Amy DiMarcangelo. DiMarcangelo emphasizes that while our own productivity in our professions is limited, God's wisdom, attention, and power are not. With our limits in mind we are then able to formulate a practical plan for optimizing our productivity in the workplace without feeling overwhelmed by our inabilities or failures.
2. Help! I Feel Like a Failure by Greg Phelan. With the current state of increased stress and workloads, many people have been left feeling like failures in life and in the workplace. Phelan encourages, "We can find hope in our failure because God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness."
3. Types of Life Insurance & Which One Is Right for You by Kumiko Love. Have you wondered which type of life insurance is best for you and your family? Love provides a helpful breakdown of what life insurance offers, the different types, and which one is best for your situation.
4.Savvy Stewardship That Increases Generosity by Tod McMichen. McMichen lays out a strategic ministry plan for churches to grow in stewarding their church members' desire and passion to give which ultimately results in more generous giving.
5. Why Fall is the Most Important Season for Your Personal Finances by Nate Matherson.
With fall quickly approaching, Matherson describes why this season is uniquely important for your personal finances. Wedged between two of the most expensive seasons, fall is the time to plan for winter/holiday expenses.